Halloween is here and to answer the question of "What is Cristian going to be for Halloween?" This is Cristian this morning before we left out...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Check out the new pics that I just updated. I have slipped tremendously but now they are here. I also uploaded more pics in the flickr website so check that out as well. The year is going by so fast. Cristian will be 11 months tomorrow and is still growing & developing. At his 9 month doctors appt. Cristian weighed in at 20 lbs and was 24 inches. I weighed him last night on my scale and he is about 24 lbs. He is still closer to 24 inches so hopefully he will get some height soon. He is very active crawling around getting into everything. Not walking yet and we are not going to rush that.:) He is just having his fun...The holidays is coming up real soon so keep a look out for new pics. Halloween is next week and can you guess what Cristian will be?
Cristian loves to chew on the diaper bag handle, yes he is still teething.
He prefers this over the teething ring. 10/23/08
We are getting ready to leave for work & school. 10/23/08
Cristian at his first birthday party held at Little Gym. He is looking at the bubbles.
His classmate Justice just turned 1 years old. 10/11/08
Cristian getting used to being on his back in the water.
Cristian & Mommy in his swimming class!!! 10/05/08
Cristian trying to get the hang of floating w/ the bar bell. 10/05/08
Cristian in his first swimming class!! He is teething also so he keeps his fingers in his mouth the whole time. 10/05/08
I finally got a picture showing his teeth. He has four. 9/24/08
I finally got my camera out to catch Cristian crawling. In this picture it looks like he is crawling on both knees but he is crawling on one knee and walking w/ the other. The new crawl: Military Combat Crawl.
Cristian teeth are finally coming in. The two front top & bottoms are coming in at the same time!!! 9/4/08
Cristian's first accident that took him to the hospital!!! 9/1/08
Cristian playing w/ his toys at 8 1/2 months old!!!
Cristian & Mommy at the Smithsonian to see the Muppets.
Cristian taking his first swim!!! This was at the Huntington Neighborhood Center around